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Like a forward finding a new bar, you have clearly stumbled upon our website. We want to give you a warm welcome to our club, The Hague Hornets. We hope that you find yourself at home on the internet version of our rugby family.

Who we are

We are a student club representing The Hague and we welcome players of all abilities to take to the pitch with us. Our members come from various universities across the city and are brought together by our shared love of rugby and beers.
Starting in 2018, we have been showing the Netherlands what it means to be a Hornet, and we are constantly amazed by the unique contribution each and every one of our members gives to our community. Each year since our birth we have been going from strength to strength which wouldn’t be possible without the input of our players. Our club is comprised of two teams the Hague Hornets mens team and the Busty Bees ladies team, their Captain’s would welcome any questions or enquiries from you.

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Train with us

We would love to see you at one of our training sessions (times listed below) where you will meet our friendly and welcoming team. We will support you as you build your rugby abilities and hopefully become a member of the club yourself. We look forward to having you at one of our sessions. Contact one of our Captains for more information.​
Men’s: 20:00-21:30
Women’s: 20:00-21:30

Mixed Beginners 18:00-19:00
Men’s 19:00-20:30
Women’s 19:00-20:30

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Upcoming events

3 February
Social at Gekke Geit
3 February
Social at Gekke Geit
17 February
Social at Gekke Geit
3 March
Social at Gekke Geit
17 March
Social at Gekke Geit
31 March
Social at Gekke Geit
14 April
Social at Gekke Geit
28 April
Social at Gekke Geit
12 May
Social at Gekke Geit
26 May
Social at Gekke Geit
9 June
Social at Gekke Geit
17 June
5 year anniversary party